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academic secretary

Check here the opening hours, contact number and some frequently asked questions regarding documentation requests.

E-mail de contato para a secretaria da etec antônio furlan

Get in touch via Email

Need a specific service? Then send an email.

WhatsApp etec antônio furlan

Get in touch via WhatsApp

Questions about how Etec works? Send a message to our WhatsApp.

Calendário escolar

Download or view this year's school calendar.

School calendar

NSA Aluno

Don't have the NSA app yet? Then download by clicking the button below. Or access its online version.

Download or access the NSA

Horario de antendimento secretaria

Service Hours

Check the internal and external opening hours of our Academic Secretariat. If you want to download the schedule.

Dias Úteis
10h00 às 10h20
10h00 às 10h20
10h00 às 10h20
10h00 às 10h20
10h00 às 10h20
Sem expediente
Sem expediente
12h00 às 13h00
12h00 às 13h00
12h00 às 13h00
12h00 às 13h00
12h00 às 13h00
Sem expediente
Sem expediente
15h30 às 15h45
15h30 às 15h45
15h30 às 15h45
15h30 às 15h45
15h30 às 15h45
Sem expediente
Sem expediente
20h35 às 20h45
20h35 às 20h45
20h35 às 20h45
20h35 às 20h45
20h35 às 20h45
Sem expediente
Sem expediente
Atendimento Externo
07h30 às 21h00
07h30 às 21h00
07h30 às 21h00
07h30 às 21h00
07h30 às 21h00
Sem expediente
Sem expediente
Perguntas frequentes secretaria

Common questions

Check below the most frequently asked questions by students, guardians and candidates for the vestibulinho.

Q: How do I request a statement?

A: Simply contact our whatsapp number 11 41634659 and request it by sending the following information:

Full name, Course completed and year completed.

Q: I'm blocked from the NSA! What should I do?

A: Look for the secretary as soon as possible because there is some inconsistency in your registration such as: Lack of documents, photo in the NSA etc.

You will only be unlocked if you attend and regularize your enrollment.

Q: What is the secretary's contact number?

A: Our landline number is: 11 41634655. We do not answer calls via Whatsapp or other applications.

Telephone service hours are the same as face-to-face.

Q: I have a certificate/School Transcript to pick up, what should I do?

A: Come to the secretariat with your RG and request the withdrawal.

If you are out of town and cannot pick up your documents, a close relative with your RG, through your statement, can collect it for you.


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©2022 by Etec Antônio Furlan.

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