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CEETEPS Resolution 03, of 07/18/2013

Approves the Common Regulations for the State Technical Schools of the State Center for Technological Education Paula Souza, published in the DOE in08/28/2013


CEETEPS Resolution No. 003, of 7/18/2013
Approves the Common Rules of State Technical Schools
from the State Center for Technological Education Paula Souza

The President of the Deliberative Council of the State Education Center
Technological Paula Souza, in view of the approved in the 495th Session held in
07.18.2013, issue the present

Article 1 - The Common Regulations for Technical Schools are hereby approved
States of the Paula Souza State Center for Technological Education, attached to
this Resolution.

Article 2 - This Resolution enters into force on the date of its publication, being
CEETEPS Deliberation No. 002, of 01.30.2006  is revoked



(According to the Etec's Common Regulations)


Students' rights - Arts. 101 and 102

- Have access and participation in school activities, including extracurricular activities
provided by the School;
- Go to the Academic Secretariat, Area Coordination, or Pedagogical and Direction to
resolve any difficulties you may encounter in solving problems relating to your
school life, such as: achievement, adjustment to the community and fulfillment of
- Participate in the elaboration of disciplinary norms and the use of common facilities;
- Be informed, at the beginning of the module, of the objectives and competences of all
curricular components;
- To have guaranteed learning conditions and new opportunities through
recovery studies, during the school semester;
- Receive both educational and pedagogical guidance, individually or in groups;
- Be respected and valued in your individuality, without comparisons or preferences;
- Be heard in their complaints and requests;
- Appeal your income assessment results, up to 5 days from publication
of the result, on a date posted on the School Calendar;
- Justify your absences in your performance assessments, under the terms provided by the
- Compete for representation in collegiate bodies, in auxiliary institutions and in the body
student representative;
- Request or represent the Director on matters of his school life, in defense of his

Duties of Pupils - Arts. 103

- Know, make known and comply with the School Regulations and other regulations in force
at school, among them; the Norms of Coexistence;
- Attend classes and scheduled school activities punctually and regularly,
committed to the success of its execution;
- Respect colleagues, teachers and school employees;
- Represent your peers on the Class Council, when called by the Board of Directors
- Cooperate and ensure the conservation of the school's assets, also collaborating so that
hygiene and cleanliness are maintained in all premises;
- Indemnify damage caused by damage to the facilities, or loss of any material from the
property of the school or colleague, when their responsibility is proven;
- Present the student's card to the security guard when requested;
- Cooperate with the conservation and cleaning of school environments;
- Present yourself in the school environment dressed appropriately;
- Participate in external evaluations promoted by the State such as SARESP and PROVA
- Respond responsibly to the WEBSAI Institutional Assessment questionnaire.


It is forbidden to the student - Arts. 104 and 105

- Take care, during school activities, of any activity unrelated to them;
- Smoking on school grounds, in accordance with State Law 13,541;
- Use of cell phones, MP3s and Tablets during classes, in accordance with current legislation;
- Promoting collections or subscriptions or any other type of campaign, without the authorization of
- Carry, have under your custody or use any material that may cause risks to your
health, your safety and physical integrity and that of others;
- Present postures that compromise school work;
- Dating will not be allowed inside the premises of ETEC. ETEC is a place
of learning in which our mission is to form full citizens. Schedule your dating
outside the hours you are at the School;

- Carrying and using cards and/or games of chance within ETEC's premises,
including during class break times;
- Use of new technologies within the school environment in order to denigrate the
image of members of the school community;
- Wear clothes such as: short shorts, t-shirt and transparent dress or very
low-cut, tank top.
- Play ball on the court or any other school environment, without the teacher
- Consume food and drinks in the Sports Court, Classroom and
- Practicing any acts of physical, psychological or moral violence against people;
Introduce, carry, store or use narcotic substances or drinks
alcoholic drinks, or appear drunk, or be under the influence of them in the premises of the
school, as well as in extracurricular activities or technical visits.
-Bring a companion (son, brother, spouse or any degree of kinship) in the
school premises, under any pretext, to attend classes




Support Departments
(According to the Etec's Common Regulations)

Board of Administrative Services
Art. 31 - Deals with matters related to the maintenance and conservation of the physical structure of the
School, personnel administration, shopping, warehouse, cleaning, property, security,
employees and assets of the Teaching Unit.

Board of Academic Services
Art. 32 - Deals with matters related to the school bookkeeping process, the dispatch and
registration of school documents, the provision of information and data for planning
and control of the processes and outcomes of teaching and learning.

Pedagogical Coordination
Art. 25 - Responsible for planning educational activities, coordinates, with the board, the
construction of the Political-Pedagogical Project, promotes the continuous training of educators,
coordinates pedagogical activities, guides or assists, individually or in groups, implements
the execution and evaluation of the Political-Pedagogical Project.

Educational orientation
Responsible for promoting collective educational development, supporting students,
parents and guardians.

Course Coordination
Art. 27 - They are responsible for the set of actions aimed at teaching planning,
supervision of its execution, control of teaching activities in relation to guidelines
didactic-pedagogical and administrative resources, as well as the optimization of physical and
didactic materials available for maintained courses. 

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TITLE II - Technical - Administrative Organization
CHAPTER I - School Board

Article 10 - Etec will have, as a deliberative body, the School Council,
made up of representatives of the school community and the community
extracurricular, whose composition will be:

I - by the school community:
a) Director, president born;
b) a representative of the directorates of services and institutional relations;
c) a representative of the teachers;
d) a representative of the technical and administrative staff;
e) a representative of the students' parents;
f) a student representative;
g) a representative of the auxiliary institutions.

II - by the extracurricular community:
a) representative of a class body;
b) representative of entrepreneurs, linked to one of the courses;
c) former student working in their technical training area;
d) representative of the municipal government;
e) representative of an educational institution linked to one of the courses;
f) representatives of other segments of interest to the school.

§ 1 - The composition of the out-of-school community will be at least four
members and a maximum of seven members.
§ 2 - The representatives mentioned in item I, subparagraphs of ?b? to ?g?, will be
chosen by their peers, and those mentioned in item II will be invited
by the School Board.
§ 3 - The representatives will serve a term of one year, allowed

Article 11 - The School Council will have the following attributions:
I - deliberate on:

a) the political-pedagogical project of the school;
b) solution alternatives for academic and pedagogical problems;
c) the priorities for the application of resources.
II? establish guidelines and propose integration actions between Etec and the

III - propose the implementation or extinction of courses offered by Etec, in accordance with
according to local and regional demands and other indicators;
IV – approve the Multi-Year Management Plan and the School Plan;
V - evaluate the school's annual reports, analyzing its performance in the face of
established guidelines and goals.

§ 1 - The School Council may be convened by the Board of Directors to
to speak out on other topics of interest to the school community.
§ 2 - The School Council will meet, ordinarily, at least two
times each semester and, extraordinarily, when summoned by its
chairman or by a majority of its members.
§ 3 - The meetings of the School Board must be attended by
minimum of a simple majority of its members.
§ 4 - In decisions to be taken by simple majority, all members
shall have the right to vote, with the director having the tie-breaking vote.

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View or download all documentation of Etec's coexistence standards.


CEETEPS Resolution 03, of 07/18/2013

Approves the Common Regulations of the State Technical Schools of the Paula Souza State Center for Technological Education, published in the DOE on 08/28/2013



CEETEPS Resolution No. 003, of 7/18/2013
Approves the Common Rules of State Technical Schools
from the State Center for Technological Education Paula Souza

The President of the Deliberative Council of the State Education Center
Technological Paula Souza, in view of the approved in the 495th Session held in
07.18.2013, issue the present

Article 1 - The Common Regulations for Technical Schools are hereby approved
States of the Paula Souza State Center for Technological Education, attached to
this Resolution.

Article 2 - This Resolution enters into force on the date of its publication, being
CEETEPS Deliberation No. 002, of 01.30.2006  is revoked



(According to the Etec's Common Regulations)


Students' rights - Arts. 101 and 102

- Have access and participation in school activities, including extracurricular activities
provided by the School;
- Go to the Academic Secretariat, Area Coordination, or Pedagogical and Direction to
resolve any difficulties you may encounter in solving problems relating to your
school life, such as: achievement, adjustment to the community and fulfillment of
- Participate in the elaboration of disciplinary norms and the use of common facilities;
- Be informed, at the beginning of the module, of the objectives and competences of all
curricular components;
- To have guaranteed learning conditions and new opportunities through
recovery studies, during the school semester;
- Receive both educational and pedagogical guidance, individually or in groups;
- Be respected and valued in your individuality, without comparisons or preferences;
- Be heard in their complaints and requests;
- Appeal your income assessment results, up to 5 days from publication
of the result, on a date posted on the School Calendar;
- Justify your absences in your performance assessments, under the terms provided by the
- Compete for representation in collegiate bodies, in auxiliary institutions and in the body
student representative;
- Request or represent the Director on matters of his school life, in defense of his

Duties of Pupils - Arts. 103

- Know, make known and comply with the School Regulations and other regulations in force
at school, among them; the Norms of Coexistence;
- Attend classes and scheduled school activities punctually and regularly,
committed to the success of its execution;
- Respect colleagues, teachers and school employees;
- Represent your peers on the Class Council, when called by the Board of Directors
- Cooperate and ensure the conservation of the school's assets, also collaborating so that
hygiene and cleanliness are maintained in all premises;
- Indemnify damage caused by damage to the facilities, or loss of any material from the
property of the school or colleague, when their responsibility is proven;
- Present the student's card to the security guard when requested;
- Cooperate with the conservation and cleaning of school environments;
- Present yourself in the school environment dressed appropriately;
- Participate in external evaluations promoted by the State such as SARESP and PROVA
- Respond responsibly to the WEBSAI Institutional Assessment questionnaire.


It is forbidden to the student - Arts. 104 and 105

- Take care, during school activities, of any activity unrelated to them;
- Smoking on school grounds, in accordance with State Law 13,541;
- Use of cell phones, MP3s and Tablets during classes, in accordance with current legislation;
- Promoting collections or subscriptions or any other type of campaign, without the authorization of
- Carry, have under your custody or use any material that may cause risks to your
health, your safety and physical integrity and that of others;
- Present postures that compromise school work;
- Dating will not be allowed inside the premises of ETEC. ETEC is a place
of learning in which our mission is to form full citizens. Schedule your dating
outside the hours you are at the School;

- Carrying and using cards and/or games of chance within ETEC's premises,
including during class break times;
- Use of new technologies within the school environment in order to denigrate the
image of members of the school community;
- Wear clothes such as: short shorts, t-shirt and transparent dress or very
low-cut, tank top.
- Play ball on the court or any other school environment, without the teacher
- Consume food and drinks in the Sports Court, Classroom and
- Practicing any acts of physical, psychological or moral violence against people;
Introduce, carry, store or use narcotic substances or drinks
alcoholic drinks, or appear drunk, or be under the influence of them in the premises of the
school, as well as in extracurricular activities or technical visits.
-Bring a companion (son, brother, spouse or any degree of kinship) in the
school premises, under any pretext, to attend classes


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